Hoverbike Videos

Still refining the design. This flies well, but I am not happy with it to go on sale. I am current working on Ver:2.

This next version should be the RC one for sale. I want these to out perform a quadcopter. The Hoverbike has the advantage of better efficiency and faster roll rate leading to better acrobatics. The trick is making the scale model as simple and cheap as a quadcopter. That's easy on the full size bike but a challenge on a small model keeping the size, weight and cost down, when you don't have a budget and ability to mass produce. Will get there.

Thanks to all of you for your support. Chris Malloy

The video above shows me testing the new flight assist control software for the scale model (my first real program written in c - and yes, I do not have exact pole placement ;-) )

If anyone is interested in purchasing a scale model, please register your interest here

If I can get enough of you to sign on, I should be able to make a large batch of these around the same price as a quadcopter. You will also be helping me with the funding of its BIG brother.

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At a glance

Hoverbike Applications
