Terms and Conditions:
- Donation Campaign:
- The aim of this donation campain is to raise money to develop the Hoverbike prototype into an aircraft that can function as a typical helicopter and be able to be manufactured later on as such.
- This campaign will run until $1,100,000AUD has been raised through donations via the hover-bike.com website, through t-shirt and merchandise sales via the hover-bike.com website, or through Christopher Malloy's personal funding.
- Who gets the Hoverbike prototype:
- When donating you must leave a written description for why you would like to own a Hoverbike prototype or help the development, either when donating, or via email at donation@hover-bike.com quoting your donation reference.
- To make a donation you must be of 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18, you must ask your parent or guardian to donate on your behalf.
- If you make a donation using the Donate now button, you agree that you have read and accepted these terms. When you have done this you will be redirected from this web site to the donations payment page for donations@hover-bike.com
- A donation once received cannot be returned to you or cancelled without the specific prior written consent of Chris Malloy at Hover-bike.com
- Contact details must be left when donating on the payment review page. If you forget to include your contact details, send an email to donations@hover-bike.com and quote your donation reference number.
- Employees and their immediate families, agents, committee members and operations managers of the Hoverbike team are ineligible to receive this hoverbike prototype through this donation campaign.
- We (hover-bike.com) reserve the right to verify the validity of corresponding donation and description, and to make ineligible any donator who tampers with this process or in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
- Multiple entries accepted but each entry must be associated with a separate donation.
- For reasons of transparency, we will list the reasons why we chose the new Hoverbike prototype owner and those who contributed to the decision. And as you would expect, we reserve all rights as to the choice of the person.
- Your use of this web site and your participation in the Hoverbike donation campaign is governed by these terms and conditions and by our privacy policy. By using this web site you agree to be bound by these terms and our privacy policy.
- These are the current terms. They replace any previous terms related to this web site or donation campaign. We may at any time vary these terms by publishing the varied terms on this web site. If we do, you accept you have had sufficient notice of that variation.
- Your Personal Information:
- We dislike any misuse of personal information for purposes other than their original intention, including anonymous data mining. Your contact details for this competition will only be used for this donation campaign.
- As we recieve donations, we may post some of our favourite entries on this website. If you do not want us to show your name on this post please let us know in writing via email to donations@hover-bike.com
- Delivery of the Hoverbike Prototype:
- We will deliver the hoverbike anywhere in Australia for free if the donator lives there. If you do not want the hoverbike delivered in Australia we will try and arrange a delivery that suits both parties finacially.
The Hoverbike development is funded entirely by donations and your purchases of Hoverbike merchandise.